How to Create an Online Course to Sell?

Creating and selling an online course is a great way to share what you know and make some money.

Many people want to learn online, which means you can teach something special. Taking an online course can be a smart move if you know a lot about a topic or you’re good at something.

I will show you how to make and sell your online course from start to end.

How to Create an Online Course to Sell

1. Identify Your Niche

First, pick a topic you love and know a lot about. Mixing what you love with what you know well is the best way to make something valuable. Your excitement for the topic will make your course fun and interesting for others.

Research Market Demand

Make sure people want to learn what you’re ready to teach. Use tools like Google Trends to see what people are searching for.

Also, look at online forums and social media groups where people might talk about wanting to learn your topic. Websites like Udemy and Coursera can show you what courses are popular and in demand.

2. Define Your Target Audience

Before you make your course, you need to understand who will take it. Find out who these people are, what problems they have, and what they want to get from your course. Knowing this will help you make something that truly helps them.

Create Buyer Personas

Make detailed profiles of your ideal students. These profiles will help you know how to talk to your potential students and where to find them online.

3. Create Your Course Content

Organize your course so it’s easy to follow. Start with the big ideas and slowly get into the more detailed stuff. This helps your students learn better.

Choose Your Delivery Method

Use different ways to teach—videos, text, activities, and interactive stuff. This makes your course more interesting and helps more kinds of learners.

4. Build Your Course

Picking the right place to host your course is important. Consider how easy it is to use, how much you can make it your own, what marketing tools it has, and how it handles money. Some places are better for starters, and others are good for people who want more control.

Upload Your Content

Once you’ve picked a place, put your course materials there. Make sure your course is easy to use and that students can get to all the materials without trouble.

5. Price Your Course

Look at other courses like yours and see how much they cost. This helps you figure out a good price for your course.

Consider Course Value

Your price should match how much your course helps students. If your course gives them skills that could lead to a better job or more money, you can charge more.

6. Develop a Marketing Strategy

Make a great web page for your course. It should tell people what’s special about your course, show good things people have said about it, and make it clear how to sign up.

Leverage Social Media

Use social media to spread the word. Share helpful tips and info about your course topic to show you know your stuff and to get people interested in your course.

7. Launch Your Course

Start getting people excited before your course is ready. Offering a discount or special content to people who sign up early is a good way to get attention.

Official Launch

When your course is ready, tell everyone! Use email, social media, and blogs to let people know. Giving a discount or a special extra thing to the first students can encourage more signups.

8. Gather Feedback and Iterate

Ask your students what they think once they’ve taken your course. Their opinions can help you make your course even better.

Update Regularly

Use what your students tell you to keep making your course better. Listening to your students means your course will keep being something people want to take.

9. Scale

Making more courses that go well with your first one can make you known as an expert. This also gives you more ways to make money.

Build a Community

Creating a place for your students to talk, like a forum or social media group, keeps them interested and loyal to what you’re teaching.

Best Online Platforms to Sell Your Courses

Here are some of the best online platforms to sell your courses:


Udemy is one of the largest and most popular online course marketplaces. It’s very beginner-friendly and has a huge existing user base. Udemy handles payment processing, marketing, and more. However, their revenue share is lower compared to some other platforms.


Coursera partners with top universities and companies to offer high-quality online courses. It has a rigorous vetting process but gives good visibility. You keep most of the revenue but need existing credentials. Better for advanced courses.


Skillshare focuses on creative fields like design, illustration, photography etc. It has a modern, video-based learning experience. Teachers earn royalties based on watch-time minutes. Great for hand-on creative skills courses.


Teachable lets you create your own custom-branded online school. You have full control over pricing, marketing, and student data. It’s more work than marketplaces but you keep up to 100% revenue. Good for building a course business.


Like Teachable, Thinkific allows you to easily build your own course website and online school from scratch. It has great sales and marketing features built-in. Ideal if you want full ownership over your course business.


Kajabi is an all-in-one platform to not just sell courses, but build a complete knowledge business. It includes website hosting, marketing tools, automation and analytics. Powerful but costlier than basic options.

Your Own Website

Using a platform like WordPress + LMS plugin, you can host courses directly on your website. Gives you total control but requires managing technology, and payment systems yourself.


1. How do I pick a topic for my online course?
Choose a topic that you are passionate about and knowledgeable in. It should also have a demand in the market. Research to see what potential students are interested in learning and check if there are existing courses on the topic.

2. What platform should I use to host and sell my course?
There are several platforms available for hosting and selling online courses, such as Udemy, Teachable, and Coursera. Consider factors like ease of use, customization options, marketing tools, and the revenue share model when choosing the right platform for your course.

3. How do I price my online course?
To price your online course, consider the value it provides to students, the content length and quality, and what competitors are charging for similar courses. It’s also important to factor in your audience’s willingness to pay.

4. How can I market my online course?
Effective marketing strategies include building a landing page, leveraging social media, creating content marketing materials (such as blogs or videos related to your course topic), and using email marketing to reach potential students.

5. What is the best way to create content for my online course?
The best content often includes a mix of video lectures, written materials, quizzes, and interactive assignments. Use a detailed course outline to ensure your content covers all necessary topics in a logical order.