50+ PDF Checklist for Online Course Launch

Sample Checklist

  1. Define Your Audience – Identify who your course is aimed at.
  2. Course Objectives – Outline what your course will achieve.
  3. Market Research – Investigate existing courses and demand.
  4. Course Content Outline – Draft a structure for your course modules.
  5. Content Creation Schedule – Plan when each piece of content will be developed.
  6. Develop Course Materials – Create videos, worksheets, and other learning materials.
  7. Choose a Course Platform – Select where your course will be hosted.
  8. Set Pricing Models – Decide on a pricing strategy for your course.
  9. Create a Sales Page – Build a compelling landing page.
  10. SEO Optimization – Ensure your course page is SEO friendly.
  11. Set Up Payment Processing – Integrate payment gateways.
  12. Legal Compliance – Check copyright, privacy policies, and terms of use.
  13. Accessibility Features – Ensure content is accessible to all users.
  14. Mobile Compatibility – Make sure your course works on mobile devices.
  15. Quality Assurance Testing – Test the course for bugs and user experience.
  16. Create a Marketing Plan – Outline strategies to promote your course.
  17. Email Marketing Setup – Prepare email lists and campaigns.
  18. Social Media Strategy – Plan your social media posts and interactions.
  19. Affiliate Program Setup – Create an affiliate system to boost sales.
  20. Beta Testing – Have a select group test your course before launch.
  21. Collect Feedback – Gather and analyze beta tester feedback.
  22. Incorporate Feedback – Make adjustments based on user input.
  23. Final Revisions – Make final changes before launch.
  24. Launch Strategy – Plan the specifics of your launch day.
  25. Pre-Launch Marketing – Build anticipation with teasers and previews.
  26. Launch Day Email – Notify your email list on launch day.
  27. Monitor Initial Feedback – Watch for early comments and issues.
  28. Customer Support Setup – Prepare to help users with problems.
  29. Post-Launch Review – Assess what went well and what didn’t.
  30. Ongoing Marketing – Keep promoting your course after launch.
  31. Update Content Regularly – Keep the course material current.
  32. Track Sales and Metrics – Monitor how your course is performing.
  33. Gather Testimonials – Collect positive reviews from students.
  34. Host Webinars – Offer live sessions to discuss course topics.
  35. Engage on Social Media – Regularly interact with followers.
  36. Offer Discounts – Provide course discounts to attract more students.
  37. Bundle Courses – Combine courses for special pricing.
  38. Referral Program – Encourage students to refer others.
  39. Content Recycling – Use course content for blogs, podcasts, etc.
  40. Upsell Opportunities – Offer advanced content or certifications.
  41. Membership Options – Create levels of membership for different content.
  42. Analytics Review – Regularly review course analytics for insights.
  43. Student Success Stories – Share success stories to inspire potential students.
  44. Continual Learning – Update your skills to improve your course.
  45. Feedback Surveys – Periodically survey your students for feedback.
  46. Community Building – Foster a community around your course topic.
  47. Partnerships and Collaborations – Collaborate with other educators.
  48. International Expansion – Consider translating your course.
  49. Continual SEO Review – Keep optimizing your course for search engines.
  50. Plan Your Next Course – Start thinking about your next online course.