Webinar Speaker Invitation Email Template + Examples

Inviting speakers to your webinar is a key step in making it successful.

A good speaker can make more people attend, give useful insights, and make your event seem more important. To get great speakers, you need to write a good invitation email. This email should look professional and make the speaker want to join your event.

Webinar Speaker Invitation Email Template + Examples

Why is it important to send emails inviting people to webinars?

  • Emails are a direct way to reach potential speakers
  • A well-written email shows professionalism and respect for the speaker’s time
  • Invitation emails can highlight the benefits of participating in your webinar
  • Emails allow you to provide all necessary details about the event
  • A good email can set your webinar apart from others and increase the chances of getting a positive response

Key elements of a webinar speaker invitation email

1. Subject Line

  • Keep it short and clear
  • Mention the purpose of the email
  • Examples:
    • “Invitation to Speak at Our Upcoming Webinar on [Topic]”
    • “Join Us as a Featured Speaker: [Webinar Title]”
    • “We’d Love for You to Speak at Our Webinar on [Date]”

2. Greeting

  • Use the speaker’s name if you know it
  • Keep it professional and respectful

3. Introduction

  • Briefly introduce yourself and your company
  • Explain how you found the speaker and why you’re interested in them

4. Purpose of the Email

  • Clearly state that you’re inviting them to speak at your webinar
  • Mention the webinar title and date

5. Why You Chose Them

  • Highlight the speaker’s expertise and relevance to the topic
  • Mention any specific work or achievements that impressed you

6. Webinar Details

  • Provide information about:
    • Topic
    • Target audience
    • Structure of the webinar
    • Duration

7. Benefits for the Speaker

  • Explain what the speaker can gain from participating, such as:
    • Sharing their knowledge
    • Networking opportunities
    • Exposure to a wider audience

8. Logistics and Support

  • Assure the speaker that you’ll provide necessary support
  • Mention any technical help you’ll offer
  • Explain what you need from them (bio, headshot, slides)

9. Call to Action (CTA)

  • Clearly state how the speaker should respond
  • Offer to discuss further details if needed

10. Closing

  • Express your excitement about possible collaboration
  • Thank the speaker for considering your invitation

11. Signature

  • Include your name, title, and contact information

Example Email + Template

Subject: Invitation to Speak at Our Upcoming Webinar on [Topic]

Dear Dr. Rahul,

My name is Joe, and I work at XYZ Company as the event coordinator. We saw you speak at [conference/event] and were very impressed by your knowledge about [subject]. We’re planning a webinar on this topic, and we’d love for you to be our main speaker.

We’re writing to invite you to speak at our webinar “[Webinar Title]” on [Date] at [Time].

The webinar will be about [specific topic] and our audience will be [describe audience]. We think your experience in [specific field] would be very helpful for our listeners.

As a speaker, you’ll get to share your knowledge with over [number] professionals in our industry. It’s a great chance to grow your network and reach more people with your ideas.

We’ll help you with all the technical stuff and advertise the webinar on all our channels. We just need a short bio, a photo of you, and any slides you want to use.

We’d be very happy if you could join us. Can we set up a quick call to talk more about this? You can reach me at [email] or [phone number].

Thank you for thinking about our invitation. We’re excited about working with you and hope you’ll say yes.

Best regards, Joe Head of Events, ABC Innovators Inc [email protected] (987) 654-3210

Tips for Personalization

  1. Mention specific work by the speaker that you liked
  2. Talk about any mutual connections or past meetings, if you have any
  3. Make the benefits match what the speaker is interested in or wants to achieve


How far in advance should I send a webinar speaker invitation?

Send your invitation at least 4-6 weeks before the webinar date. This gives the speaker enough time to consider your offer and prepare if they accept.

What if the speaker declines my invitation?

If a speaker declines, thank them for their time and ask if they’d be interested in future events. You could also ask if they can recommend other experts in the field.

Should I follow up if I don’t hear back?

Yes, it’s okay to send a polite follow-up email after a week if you haven’t received a response. Don’t send more than two follow-ups, as this might seem pushy.

How can I make my invitation stand out?

Research the speaker thoroughly and mention specific aspects of their work that relate to your webinar topic. Also, clearly explain how speaking at your webinar will benefit them.