WebinarJam or EasyWebinar: Which Webinar Tool Is Right for You?

Which platform is best for your webinars, WebinarJam or EasyWebinar? Both offer unique features that cater to different needs.

WebinarJam focuses on live webinars with tools designed for real-time engagement, while EasyWebinar offers both live and automated webinars in a more integrated setup. The right choice depends on what suits your business needs and how you plan to engage with your audience.

Features Comparison

Customizing Live Webinars

WebinarJam offers detailed customization options that allow you to fully personalize your live webinar experience. You can customize registration pages, waiting rooms, and even the main webinar interface. Features include:

  1. Branding Flexibility: Adjust colors, add logos, and tailor the interface to match your brand.
  2. Interactive Elements: Include live polls, calls to action, and pop-up offers during the session.
  3. Room Layout Options: Set up your webinar room with different layouts to suit your style.

These options make WebinarJam a strong choice if you want full control over how your live event looks and feels.

EasyWebinar focuses on keeping things simple. While it still allows customization, the process is more streamlined.

You have options to:

  1. Quick Setup: Easily customize the basics without needing to adjust too many settings.
  2. Essential Branding: Change key elements like colors and logos without diving into deep customizations.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed to be intuitive, making it easy for you to get started quickly.

If your priority is getting up and running without fuss, EasyWebinar’s simplicity is a good match.

Running Automated Webinars

When it comes to automated webinars, EasyWebinar provides more features to help you set up evergreen content that runs on autopilot. You can:

  1. Pre-Schedule Events: Set up automated webinars to run at specific times or on-demand.
  2. Mix Live and Automated Content: Combine pre-recorded videos with live Q&A sessions.
  3. Automated Follow-Ups: Send out automated emails and reminders based on participant behavior.

These features make EasyWebinar ideal for consistent content delivery with minimal ongoing effort.

WebinarJam also offers automation options, but it mainly focuses on enhancing live interactions. You can:

  1. Set Up Replays: Automatically schedule replays for those who missed the live session.
  2. Automate Engagement: Pre-plan pop-ups, offers, and chat messages to appear during automated sessions.
  3. Real-Time Adjustments: Even with automation, you can still make adjustments during the replay, giving you a mix of live control and automated convenience.
While both platforms offer automation, if your strategy heavily relies on evergreen content, EasyWebinar provides more robust tools in this area.

Audience Engagement Features

Using Polls for Interaction

Polls are a powerful way to engage your audience and gather feedback during a webinar. WebinarJam offers advanced polling features that allow you to:

  1. Create Multiple Polls: Run several polls throughout your session, giving you insights at different stages.
  2. Real-Time Results: Display poll results instantly to your audience, keeping them engaged with what others think.
  3. Pre-Set Polls: You can set up polls before the webinar and activate them at the right moment.

These tools help WebinarJam users create a more dynamic and interactive environment during live events.

EasyWebinar, while offering polling features, takes a simpler approach. The platform allows you to:

  1. Run Basic Polls: Conduct simple polls to gauge opinions or knowledge during the webinar.
  2. Display Results Seamlessly: Show results instantly without overwhelming your audience with too much data.
  3. Minimal Setup Required: The polling tool is easy to use and integrates smoothly into your session without complex settings.

If you need in-depth polling with more options, WebinarJam offers more flexibility. However, if you’re looking for straightforward polling features that are easy to manage, EasyWebinar covers the basics well.

Managing Q&A Sessions

Managing Q&A effectively is key to keeping your audience engaged. WebinarJam’s Q&A features are designed for real-time interactions and include:

  1. Moderation Controls: Filter and manage questions to keep the discussion relevant and focused.
  2. Private or Public Q&A: Decide whether to answer questions privately or share them with everyone.
  3. Highlight Important Questions: Feature key questions on screen to ensure they get the attention they deserve.

WebinarJam’s advanced controls make it easier for you to run smooth and organized Q&A sessions, especially in larger webinars.

EasyWebinar also supports real-time Q&A but focuses more on simplicity. The platform offers:

  1. Basic Question Management: Handle incoming questions with an easy interface that doesn’t require much setup.
  2. Direct Participant Interaction: Answer questions live while keeping track of what’s being asked.
  3. Minimal Moderation Needs: The Q&A setup is straightforward, making it suitable for smaller or more focused sessions.
If you need detailed moderation and more control over the Q&A flow, WebinarJam is a better fit. For simpler events where you want direct interaction without too many layers, EasyWebinar’s basic approach works well.

Marketing and Integration Capabilities

Choosing a webinar platform isn’t just about hosting events—it’s also about how well the platform supports your overall marketing efforts. Both WebinarJam and EasyWebinar offer built-in tools to help you create funnels, manage landing pages, and integrate with your existing marketing tools. Understanding these capabilities will help you decide which platform is more suitable for your business needs.

Built-In Funnel and Landing Page Options

WebinarJam offers more flexibility when it comes to creating funnels and landing pages. It provides tools that allow you to:

  1. Customize Registration Pages: Tailor your landing pages to match your branding, with options to add custom images, colors, and text.
  2. Create Multi-Step Funnels: Design full funnels that guide your audience from registration to follow-up, integrating calls-to-action throughout.
  3. Engage Visitors with Timed Pop-Ups: Use pop-ups on landing pages to capture leads or offer special deals during the webinar.

These features make WebinarJam a strong choice if you need detailed control over your webinar funnel.

EasyWebinar, while offering simpler tools, focuses more on ease of use. You can:

  1. Quickly Build Registration Pages: Set up basic landing pages with minimal customization options.
  2. Use Pre-Made Templates: Choose from ready-to-go templates that require little setup.
  3. Integrate Funnels with External Tools: If you prefer, you can link your landing pages to external funnel-building software.

For businesses focused on quickly setting up landing pages without too many extra features, EasyWebinar offers a simpler solution.

Integrating with CRMs

CRM integration is crucial for managing leads and nurturing relationships. WebinarJam provides a wide range of CRM integrations, allowing you to:

  1. Connect with Popular CRMs: Seamlessly link with tools like ActiveCampaign, HubSpot, and Salesforce.
  2. Automate Follow-Up Actions: Trigger automated emails or tasks based on participant actions during the webinar.
  3. Advanced Tagging and Segmentation: Use tags and segments to organize leads directly from your webinar platform.

EasyWebinar also integrates with CRMs but takes a more straightforward approach. You can:

  1. Connect to Major CRMs: Integrate with common CRMs such as Mailchimp and ConvertKit.
  2. Basic Automation: Set up simple automations like sending follow-up emails or adding participants to specific email lists.
  3. Direct API and Zapier Support: If needed, use API connections or Zapier to expand integration options.

While both platforms offer solid CRM connections, WebinarJam provides more advanced features for complex workflows.

Handling Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a key part of post-webinar follow-up, and both platforms offer different levels of support. WebinarJam allows you to:

  1. Built-In Email Follow-Ups: Send automatic follow-ups based on user actions during the webinar.
  2. Advanced Email Sequences: Create customized email sequences tied to specific audience behaviors.
  3. Track Engagement Metrics: Measure open rates and click-through rates directly within the platform.

EasyWebinar offers basic email marketing tools, which include:

  1. Simple Follow-Up Emails: Set up automatic thank-you emails or reminders.
  2. Integrations with Email Providers: Easily connect with services like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and AWeber.
  3. Basic Email Scheduling: Schedule emails based on event triggers like registrations or missed sessions.

For businesses looking for more robust email marketing options, WebinarJam provides deeper integration and control.

Audience Capacity and Growth Handling

Handling large audiences and growing participant numbers are essential factors when choosing a platform. WebinarJam and EasyWebinar both cater to different scales of events, but they approach audience management in different ways.

Managing Large Attendee Numbers

WebinarJam is built to handle large-scale events smoothly. It offers:

  1. Support for Up to 5,000 Attendees: Host webinars with thousands of participants without performance issues.
  2. Reliable Streaming Quality: Maintain high-quality streaming even with large audiences.
  3. Multi-Host Capabilities: Easily manage multiple hosts and guest presenters.

EasyWebinar is designed more for mid-sized events. You can:

  1. Host Webinars for Up to 2,000 Participants: Manage medium to large audiences comfortably.
  2. Stable Streaming for Mid-Sized Events: Ensure smooth streaming for mid-sized audiences without lag or interruptions.
  3. Simple Host Controls: Easily manage guest speakers and switch between presenters.

If you plan to regularly host large-scale events, WebinarJam might be better suited for your needs.

Scaling Up for Expanding Audiences

As your business grows, your platform should be able to handle increased demand. WebinarJam offers features for scaling up, including:

  1. Flexible Plans: Upgrade plans as your audience size grows without needing to switch platforms.
  2. Advanced Analytics for Growth: Use detailed analytics to track participant growth and engagement trends.
  3. Multi-Language Support: Reach international audiences with language options.

EasyWebinar provides simpler scaling options focused on ease of use. You can:

  1. Upgrade Plans Based on Audience Size: Easily switch to higher plans as you reach more participants.
  2. Growth Tracking Tools: Monitor audience growth with basic analytics.
  3. Automatic Load Balancing: Maintain performance during peak registration periods.

For those with plans to grow significantly, WebinarJam offers more advanced tools to handle expansion.

Pricing Plans and Cost Efficiency

Pricing is a key consideration when choosing a platform. WebinarJam and EasyWebinar have different pricing structures based on the features and audience sizes you need.

Analyzing Pricing Tiers

WebinarJam’s pricing offers various tiers to suit different needs. The options include:

  1. Basic Plan: Covers essential features for small webinars.
  2. Professional Plan: Adds more customization and larger audience capacity.
  3. Enterprise Plan: Designed for large-scale events with advanced features like priority support.

EasyWebinar’s pricing is more straightforward with clear options:

  1. Standard Plan: Ideal for smaller events with basic needs.
  2. Pro Plan: Adds more features and higher attendee limits.
  3. Enterprise Plan: For large webinars with full automation and CRM integration.

Evaluating Value for Different Business Sizes

The value each platform offers depends on your business type and size:

  1. Small Businesses: EasyWebinar’s simplicity and lower pricing make it ideal for those with smaller budgets and simpler needs.
  2. Growing Companies: WebinarJam provides more flexibility for mid-sized companies looking to scale their webinar strategies.
  3. Large Enterprises: For businesses with large audiences and complex workflows, WebinarJam’s advanced features provide better value.

Which one is Best for you

WebinarJam is better if you need detailed customization, handle large audiences, or want advanced tools for live events. It gives you more flexibility and control, making it suitable for growing businesses or enterprises hosting large-scale webinars.

On the other hand, EasyWebinar is a strong choice if you prefer a simpler setup with both live and automated options. It’s user-friendly and balanced, making it ideal for small businesses or those focusing on automation.

If your budget is limited and you want to get started quickly without diving into complex features, EasyWebinar offers better value. But if you prioritize advanced features, scalability, and handling bigger audiences, WebinarJam is worth the investment.