How to Improve MOOCs on Online Courses: A Beginner Guide

MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, are online courses aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web.

They include traditional course materials such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, as well as interactive forums that help build a community for students, professors, and teaching assistants.

MOOCs are important because they make learning accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This openness removes barriers to education like cost and location, allowing people from all over the world to learn new skills and advance their knowledge.

1. Increase Interactivity

Making MOOCs interactive transforms the learning experience. This involves integrating forums for discussions, setting up live sessions with instructors, and creating opportunities for students to work together on projects. Such elements make learning more hands-on and engaging.

  • Discussion Forums: These platforms could include weekly interactive threads where students post responses to the course content and engage with peers.
  • Live Sessions: Incorporate regular video calls where instructors can explain difficult concepts and answer questions directly.
  • Group Projects: Enable students to collaborate on assignments, enhancing their problem-solving and teamwork skills.

2. Personalize the Learning Experience

Tailoring the course to fit individual needs makes learning more effective. Using data analytics helps adapt the course content to suit different learning styles and paces. Here’s how:

  • Adaptive Learning Paths: Change the course trajectory based on how well the student is performing in different areas.
  • Custom Resources: Provide additional materials like videos or readings tailored to the student’s progress or interest areas.

3. Improve Course Design

A well-structured course design is crucial for effective learning. This means setting clear goals, organizing content logically, and using multimedia to make the material more engaging.

  • Structured Content: Lay out the course so that each part builds on the previous one, with clear markers and goals along the way.
  • Multimedia Elements: Use videos, graphics, and interactive content to explain complex ideas and keep students interested.

4. Provide Effective Feedback and Assessment

Feedback helps students understand what they’re doing well and what needs improvement. MOOCs should offer various ways to assess and give feedback, making the learning process more comprehensive.

  • Automated Grading: Use software to provide instant feedback on quizzes and tests.
  • Peer Review: Set up a system where students can critique each other’s work, providing diverse insights and learning points.
  • Self-Assessment Tools: Allow students to assess their own work using guidelines provided by the course. This encourages self-reflection and self-directed learning.

5. Offer Incentives and Certification

Certificates and incentives can significantly boost motivation. Offering official recognition for course completion encourages learners to stick with the course and achieve their learning goals. Here’s how incentives can be structured:

  • Verified Certificates: Provide certificates that can add value to a resume or LinkedIn profile.
  • Digital Badges: Issue badges for different skills or milestones within the course, which learners can collect and display.
  • Course Credits: Partner with educational institutions to offer course credits that count towards academic qualifications.

6. Improve Mobile Accessibility

With many users accessing courses via mobile devices, it’s essential to ensure that MOOCs are mobile-friendly. This improves accessibility and allows learners to study on-the-go.

  • Responsive Design: Ensure all course materials look good and are functional on screens of all sizes.
  • Mobile Apps: Develop a dedicated app that provides a better user experience than a mobile browser might offer.
  • Offline Access: Allow students to download materials for offline study, which is crucial for learners without constant internet access.

7. Foster a Sense of Community

Creating a community around a MOOC can enhance engagement and reduce dropout rates. A strong community provides support and motivation to learners.

  • Study Groups: Enable learners to form virtual study groups where they can help each other.
  • Discussion Boards: Facilitate vibrant forums where students can interact, share resources, and ask questions.
  • Social Media Groups: Create groups on platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn to extend the community beyond the course platform.

8. Offer Supplemental Resources and Support

Providing a range of additional learning materials and support services can enhance the learning experience and cater to various learning preferences.

  • Supplemental Materials: Offer extra videos, articles, and practice exercises that students can explore at their own pace.
  • Tutoring Services: Make tutors available to answer questions, explain difficult concepts, and provide guidance.
  • Technical Support: Ensure there is prompt and helpful support available for technical issues that students might encounter with the platform.


What are the key elements to improve interactivity in MOOCs?
To make MOOCs more interactive, add forums, live sessions with teachers, and group activities. These help students feel like they are part of a real class.

How does personalization help students in MOOCs?
Personalization helps students do better because it adjusts the lessons to fit their learning speed and style. This means students get a learning experience that fits them best.

Why is it important for MOOCs to be easy to use on mobiles?
Making MOOCs easy to use on mobiles lets students learn from anywhere at any time. This flexibility can lead to more students finishing their courses.

What role do certificates play in MOOCs?
Certificates motivate students to finish their courses. They provide a reward for completing the MOOC, which can help students stay focused and reach their learning goals.

How does building a community help MOOCs?
Creating a community in MOOCs keeps students engaged and reduces the chance they will drop out. It allows students to help each other and feel connected, making the learning experience better.